Melanie is an executive, a business owner, a ski coach, a landscape and environmental portrait photographer and brand storyteller from Québec City, now based in Northern California.
A trained industrial designer and creative business owner, managing the family business in electronics manufacturing, now occupies most of her time. She loves the outdoors, boondocking and road trips with “Moja”, her truck camper.
Certified Alpine Ski Instructor by PSIA-AASI
Monitrice de ski certifiée par le PSIA-AASI
Melanie’s favorite time of the day is when everyone is sleeping and she feels naked if she doesn’t have Chapstick in her pockets. Her first camera was a Canon AE-1—it’s film, folks, not digital. Yup she’s THAT old. She’s lucky to be living in the Sierra foothills and have easy access to the Tahoe basin—except when it’s dumping 1389-foot of snow in a day or when California is on fire, literally.
A healthy balance of people, business, and creativity are what makes my life complete. But adventuring outdoors is what always kept me sane. As for photography, it has become an important part of my life, but it wasn't always that way.
For close to 20 years, I have worked in the electronics and consumer goods manufacturing industries mostly as an industrial designer. - View samples of my ID projects.
We moved to the U.S.A. in 2012. I obtained my green card in 2016 and officially started my business as a photographer and maker. Since then I’m now the Chair of the Advisory Board and VP of Business Development of our family business in Quebec, a ski instructor/trainer at Sierra-at-Tahoe and a ski coach for our local high school alpine race team, and the photographer and social media content creator for PSIA-AASI West.
Bonjour! Je suis designer industriel de formation et suis née à Québec. Je vis maintenant en Californie du nord. Un équilibre entre faire naître des projets créatifs et travailler avec des personnes stimulantes est ce qui me rend heureuse. Mais partir à l’aventure et profitez du plein-air est ce qui a toujours été ma façon de rester saine.
J’ai eu une carrière en design industriel pendant près de 20 ans. J’ai toujours aimé la photo mais cette passion est demeurée un passe-temps jusqu’au jour où je suis devenue une expatriée! - cliquez ici pour un échantillon des projets sur lesquels j’ai travaillés
J’adore connecter avec des francophones immigrés aux USA ou de ma ville natale, Québec! N’hésitez pas à me contacter, simplement pour un petit “allô!” ou pour un projet! Je voyage au Québec quelques fois par année, peut-être aurons-nous l’occasion de nous croiser?